Privacy policy

Legal warning

Layertex S.L. , with address at Caminos Francesos – Polígono Industrial Bovisa, 4, Premia de Dalt, 08338, Barcelona, ​​telephone 937547405, provided with C.I.F. B63240790 registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, ​​Volume 35825, Folio 208, Page B-267447, 1st Inscription (Hereinafter “Layertex”).

This legal notice regulates the access and use of the website service (hereinafter, the «Website») that Layertex makes available to Internet users interested in its services and content related to hygiene secure body (hereinafter, the «Users»).

This website complies with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and with current legislation on the protection of personal data

Layertex may alter at any time and without prior notice, the design, presentation and / or configuration of the Website, as well as some or all of the services, and add new services.

The use of this Website implies full acceptance of the provisions included in this Notice in the version published by Layertex at the time the User accesses the Website. Likewise, Layertex informs the Users of this Website that these General Conditions of Use may be modified without prior notification. Consequently, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice each time the Website is used, as it may undergo modifications.

The use of certain services offered to Users through the Website may be subject to their own particular conditions that, depending on the case, replace, complete and / or modify these General Conditions of Use. Therefore, prior to the use of said services, the User must also carefully read and accept the corresponding specific conditions.


The information received by Layertex through this website will be treated with the utmost reserve and confidentiality in accordance with current regulations.

Layertex informs the user that the personal data that can be provided through this website will be treated under the responsibility of Layertex in order to manage the services provided through this Internet Portal.

The data provided will be kept as long as you do not request the cessation of the activity, the commercial relationship is maintained, during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations or until they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected or registered. .

The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

You can request at any time access to your personal data, as well as its rectification, opposition, cancellation and other rights, for this you must contact Layertex by postal mail at Camí dels Francesos – Polígono Industrial Bovisa, 4, Premia de dalt, 08338, Barcelona, ​​or by email to
Layertex declares and guarantees that it maintains the security levels of protection of personal data in accordance with current legislation. For this, it has established a Personal Data Protection Management System in order to determine and implement the technical and organizational means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided by users. , without prejudice to informing that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

The user agrees to make diligent use of it and the services accessible from this Website, in full compliance with the Law, good customs and these General Conditions and, where appropriate, particular conditions, as well as maintaining the due respect to other users

Any use other than the purpose of this Website is expressly prohibited.

In this sense, the User will renounce to use any of the materials and information contained in this Website for illegal purposes and expressly prohibited in these General Conditions of Use as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, are enabled that are contrary to the rights and interests of Layertex, its members and / or third parties, and must respond to them in case of contravening or breaching said obligations and / or that, in any way (including the introduction or dissemination of «computer viruses») , damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or impede gives the normal use of the materials and information contained in the Website, the information systems or the documents, files and all kinds of content stored in any computer equipment (hacking) of Layertex, its members or any User of the Website .

In general, the provision of services does not require prior subscription or registration of Users. However, Layertex conditions the use of some of the services to the prior completion of the corresponding User registration, selecting the identifier (ID or login) and the password that the User agrees to keep and use with due diligence.

Layertex will assign the identifier selected by the user as long as it has not been previously selected by another User. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, the transfer, even temporary, to third parties is not allowed. In this sense, the User must adopt the necessary measures for the custody of the password selected by him, avoiding the use of it by third parties. Consequently, the User is solely responsible for the use made of her password, with full indemnity for Layertex. In the event that the User knows or suspects the use of their password by third parties, they must inform Layertex of this circumstance as soon as possible.

The aforementioned registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself or in the Particular Conditions that, where appropriate, regulate it.

All information provided by the User through the services must be true. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data that he communicates as a result of filling in the necessary forms to subscribe to the Services.

Similarly, it will be the responsibility of the User to keep all the information provided to Layertex permanently updated so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages caused to Layertex or third parties due to the information provided.

In accordance with Layertex’s anti-spamming policy, the User agrees to refrain from using and collecting data from distribution lists that can be accessed through the information and services contained on the Website to carry out activities. for promotional or advertising purposes as well as to send commercial communications of any kind and through any support not requested or previously consented to by Layertex and / or the interested parties. The User who intentionally or culpably breaches any of the foregoing obligations will be liable for all damages caused.

Except in those cases expressly described in the General Conditions of Use and the rest of the regulatory framework, of the Website, Layertex is not responsible for damages of any kind that may be due to lack of accuracy, completeness, timeliness, as well as to errors or omissions that the information and services contained in this Website or other content that can be accessed through it may suffer, nor does it assume any duty or commitment to verify or monitor its content and information.

Likewise, Layertex does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the operation of the Website, and consequently excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by current legislation, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of Availability or continuity of the operation of the Website and the services enabled therein, as well as errors in accessing the different web pages or those from which, where appropriate, said services are provided.

Layertex excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the services provided by third parties through this Website as well as the means that they enable to manage service requests, and specifically, by way of example and not limiting: for acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a consequence of the provision of services by third parties through the Website, as well as the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness, vices, defects, relevance and / or timeliness of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored, received, obtained, made available or accessible through the services provided by third parties through this Website.

Cookies are brief information that is sent and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer through your browser when it connects to a website. Cookies can be use to collect and store user data while connected to provide requested services that are not usually kept (session cookies), or to keep user data for other types of future services and that can be kept indefinitely ( persistent cookies). Cookies can be own or third party.

There are several types of cookies:

Technical cookies that facilitate user navigation and the use of the different options or services offered by the web, such as identifying the session, allowing access to certain areas, facilitating orders, purchases, filling in forms, registration, security, facilitating functionalities (videos , social networks, etc.).

Personalization cookies that allow the user to access the services according to their preferences (language, browser, configuration, etc.).

Analysis cookies that allow anonymous analysis of the behavior of web users and that allow the measurement of user activity and the development of navigation profiles in order to improve the web sites.

Advertising cookies that allow the management of advertising spaces on the web.

Personalized advertising cookies that allow the management of the advertising spaces of the web based on the behavior and browsing habits of the user, from where their profile is obtained and this fact allows to customize the advertising that is shown in the user’s browser.

Layertex only uses technical, personalization and analysis cookies, its own and those of third parties, which in no case process personal data or capture browsing habits for advertising purposes. Anyway, we inform you that you can activate or deactivate these cookies by following the instructions of your Internet browser.

The General Conditions of Use and the rest of the legal conditions of the website are governed in each and every one of their extremes by Spanish law.